Monday, August 9, 2010

First practice day of World Champs

Steve Brown taking care of business in the sunlight which is nearly impossible to escape from!

Today was a very long day but we made some amazing progress! It seemed like everyone was getting things tweaked right close to where we want them. I am now self naming myself the motor maker...I made so many so Parker and Curtis could focus on flying, that I have no idea how many. It took most of the day to sort out exactly what thickness and loop length we they were going to use, and they broke a lot of them. The dome continues to be hot for sure but the worst heat is yet to come and wouldn't you know, it will hit just as the first day of competition starts. When the competition starts I will be in the team camp helping out with whatever I can. My days on the flying floor are numbered but I have really enjoyed it.
Curtis's parents are keeping our team fridge well stocked with 1.5L bottles of water and this is a huge help. I don't know how many trips they have made to the store for water, fortunately it is inexpensive, about 60 Dinar or about 75 cents. I haven't mentioned the food but we are getting exposed to a lot of local dishes at breakfast and at the venue where the lunch and dinner is catered. I like most of it but can't even begin to pronounce the names. Lots of sausage, cut meats, and excellent breads...lots of breads.
Well back to the flying, I didn't get any of the times from John, Steve, or Brett but at times they looked pleased. We got Curtis started on a variable pitch prop today to help keep him out of the ceiling. Which is paramount as I described yesterday. Things seem to be coming together for him with the new prop but it is a steep learning curve. As an example, Parker, Ben, and I, along with advice from all three of the other guys, spent most of the day tuning the VP for Parkers number one plane. I am excited to report that the last flight of the day produced a 15 minute 1/2 motor so he has a good chance of posting a 30 minute flight with the new setup. He did a 26 minute full motor flight with his number two airplane, affectionately referred to as yellow. So think about us as we move forward and if by chance you pray, send some up for our whole team for excellent flights and good hydration. Enjoy the photos!
Parker and Ben discussing Post-Flight strategy
Brett returning from a flight

Parker checking his time after another successful flight with a couple of the Czech team members in the background 

Our new British friend Peter
Curtis studying the new prop...I promise, I've seen him smile
Parkers plane cruising in the sunlight

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